Bono Gives Radio A Shout Out



Even if you have been living under a rock for decades you probably know who Bono is. The colorful frontman for U2, known for using his celebrity as a pulpit for social issues when not racking stadiums around the globe, has a good memory. He remembers his roots and the beginning of his musical career, long before the band won its first Grammy Award.

Via Radio Online:

Speaking with a WHDH-TV/Boston news reporter, Bono explained why they chose to hold the free concert in Boston. “It’s worth remembering that U2, you know we broke in the United States through Boston and through radio stations like BCN and stuff like that,” Bono said, referring to Boston rock station WBCN-FM. “We depend on radio,” he continued.

The timing for this sort of  public stand could not be better as the  RIAA continues to press Congress to pass legislation that would levy a performance fee on radio airplay, the same free airplay that broke U2’s career back in the 1980’s.

Protect the free airplay that has incubated the careers of almost every American musical star for decades. Support the Local Radio Freedom Act, which opposes “any new performance fee, tax, royalty, or other charge” on local radio stations. The effort is purely bipartisan in nature and is already backed by a group of 144 House lawmakers. Call your representative today and tell him or her that you support The Local Radio Freedom Act.

Photo courtesy of Phil Roman, used under its Creative Commons license

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